Hello again. The trail has been a roller coaster of emotions and good times. We went from were we left you last, Bridgeport, to Sierra City in the time since our last post. In addition Josh and I have been off trail since July 11th to attend our friends Travis and Tori's wedding. Let me update you on our trail adventures since our last post. Josh and I got a ride out of Bridgeport from very kind couple who was going to Sonora Pass to rock climb. The offered us fresh fruit and eagerly asked us questions about the trail as they one day hope to hike the PCT.
Back on trail from town we leap frogged with many weekend backpackers as Josh and I took our time in the insanely beautiful stretch before Lake Tahoe. We ran into some trail magic close to a highway, a cooler full of apples and cookies! The next day Josh and I spent a lazy morning in our tent and finally got to hiking at 11am. Surprisingly enough we were able to get 20 miles done by 7pm and we laughed at the fact that we had made our mileage goal for the day. We camped above a wonderful meadow and the birds sang us to sleep.
The next morning we awoke with excitement as we were going into South Lake Tahoe. After breakfast looking across the lakes in the distance Josh and I kicked it into high gear and made it to the highway. We were able to snag a hitch in less then 10 minutes and she even gave us ice cold Gatorade! She dropped us off at the outfitters in town and wished us luck on our journey.
The owner of Lake of the Sky Outfitters was amazing! He had a hiker lounge in the back of the shop with snacks, a hiker box, free wifi, a laptop to use and information galore! Josh and I decided to take a zero in Tahoe and enjoy the town. After resting and eating ice cream, cream puffs, pho, pizza and much more we hit the trail again. We got a ride out of town from a local who hopes to hike the trail next year and he sent us off with some goodies. It was July 4th and we had a goal of hiking to a spot with a great view of the lake. Luckily it only took 16 miles and Lake Tahoe was visible from our tent. As the sun set we were able to see the fireworks from across the lake and some flickers from the show in Reno.
The next few days provided wonderful views and interesting bugs, one bug looked like it should be in a Star Trek film. Our days were filled with numerous lakes, streams and breathtaking views. One night we had a great camp spot tucked away on the slopes of Squaw. Also on this stretch Josh and I did our highest mileage day ever, 27 miles and all before 7:30pm! We made it to Sierra City with plans to hike on a few more days before getting picked up for the wedding but after talking to some locals about the road we had planned to get picked up on we decided to stay in town.
Our friend Nick had been waiting in Sierra City for several days to see us and he had the hook up with a local named Mickey. Mickey let us camp in his backyard and let us use his home like it was ours. Also he had an amazing view of the Sierra Buttes from the backyard! After swimming in a tucked away swimming hole and eating a ton of food we were ready to get picked up. Our amazing friends Kirsten and Jessica drove from Bellingham, WA to Sierra City, CA to get us, THANK YOU GUYS! Then I got to drive for the first time since March which was interesting, especially since I drove the whole 15 hours back.
Josh and I relaxed while home in Washington. We ate a ton of food, visited with friends/family and cuddled our kitten. We flew down to California yesterday and tomorrow Josh's mom will drop us off in Sierra City so we can continue our adventure. We are excited to push ourselves physically and mentally. We are super excited to hike and get out of California, this state is forever long it seems like! Let the adventure continue!
Josh by Aloha Lake |
Getting artsy with the trees |
Josh in action, Lake Tahoe to the right. |
Lake Tahoe in the distances, our July 4th view! |
Pretty flowers :) |
Our campsite at Squaw |
Another wonderful view |
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