Why the PCT?

Hello, I’m Josh and this is my first official blog post. I first “decided” I was going to do the Pacific Crest Trail when I was in high school some time after I saw the National Geographic documentary on the Appalachian Trail. I talked to one of my buddies about how amazing it looked and told him we should do it and he said it sounded cool. But he would rather do the PCT. So I figured that if there was a better trail that I didn’t have to go all the way to Georgia to get to then shit it must be for me. I resolved that one day I would thru-hike the PCT.

That grand plan likely would have stayed just that, if Sammy hadn’t caught the outdoor bug so thoroughly and decided it was something we HAD to do. It isn’t that I have ever disagreed; I just lack the general foresight, motivation and organizational skills to put such grand plans into action. Fortunately for me, Sammy brings enough of these qualities to the table for both of us. Unsurprisingly, she found a way to get college credit for planning our PCT trip and I stayed one to five steps behind the entire way. Now, we’re finally within two months of launch, I’ve gotten my shit together somewhat, the plans have been researched and finalized and the plane tickets are bought. We are hiking the Pacific Crest Trail…. b*****s!

Hello, I’m Sammy! I didn’t decide to hike the Pacific Crest Trail until roughly a year and a half ago. Josh had presented the idea of the trail to me freshman year of college but I had always said that I would only hike a portion, but as time went on I became more and more connected with the outdoors. I have always enjoyed hiking but backpacking was a whole new ball game, let alone thru hiking. Several items come into the picture with why I finally decided to commit to the PCT. As Muir once said, “The Mountains are calling and I must go.” This holds a lot of meaning to why I am so driven to get on this trail. I see nature and become apart of it, yet it still is calling to me to find something more. Also there is the opportunity to unplug our young minds from not only technology but also normal life, as we know it.

 I feel our generation is so busy and hooked up to our phones and whatnot that this will allow Josh and I to connect with one another, amazing people, nature and all sorts of adventures and obstacles along the way. On top of those reasons I also take the trail as a challenge, one that is physical, mental and tactical. So far I have gotten to push my planning and budgeting skills to their limits and beyond. As soon as we hit the trail a whole new world will begin!

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